Category Culture in the bedroom

Moroccan bedroom design

Step into the enchanting world of Moroccan bedroom design, where every corner beckons with an irresistible allure. Moroccan interiors boast vibrant hues, intricate patterns, and rich textures that intertwine to create an ambience of unparalleled charm and elegance. Vibrant colour…

Biophilic bedroom design

Our innate bond with nature remains essential for our well-being. Biophilic design is a concept that seeks to bring the outdoors inside, fostering a sense of harmony, serenity and rejuvenation. The bedroom can be the perfect canvas to implement this…

The ‘Duchess of decorating’ – Dorothy Draper

In the world of interior design, there are few names as iconic and influential as Dorothy Draper. Revolutionising the way we approach décor, she left an indelible mark on the industry that continues to inspire designers today. Known for her…

How to arrange bedroom furniture using Feng Shui rules?

Creating a harmonious and balanced bedroom is crucial for promoting positive energy and ensuring restful sleep. One practice that has withstood the test of time in achieving this balance is Feng Shui. What is Feng Shui? Feng shui, an ancient…

Japanese bedroom interior design

Picture stepping into a room that effortlessly blends minimalism, natural elements, and a Zen-like atmosphere. If you’re longing to infuse your home with a sense of calm, Japanese design might just be the inspiration you need. The essence of Japanese…

Earthenware in the home

Discover how earthenware can bring calm, warmth and comfort to your home particularly through the use of terracotta